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About this blog

Welcome to the City of Sanctuary blog!

A peaceful and prosperous world is one in which people can feel safe and secure in their homes, with their families and in their communities.  It is a world in which they can feel confident in their country, their culture and in the family of nations and peoples on our common planet.

But when war or civil unrest ravages a community, masses of people are forcibly displaced or simply flee to protect life.  At worst, they are left with only two options: death by privation, assault or genocide, or life in exile.  One need only think of those forced to flee the violence in Syria or the thousands dying in the Mediterranean to glimpse the severity of their need. Unfortunately, conflict continues to take its toll on such persons.

This blog provide a platform to share stories in the field of human rights, refugees and migration.

Invited writers contribute to this blog. The blog is administered by our Media & Communications Officer, Forward Maisokwadzo. We welcome your contributions and if interested to submit your piece, contact Forward Maisokwadzo: [email protected]

Views expressed by contributors to the blog do not necessarily represent City of Sanctuary’s views and the responsibility rests with the contributor.

We look forward to your comments!